
Dr. Bryan Minghui BI, PhD (Musicology, Central Conservatory of Music), Post-PhD (Fudan University), associate professor at Peking University, School of Arts since 2007.


Dr. Bryan Minghui BI, PhD (Musicology, Central Conservatory of Music), Post-PhD (Fudan University), associate professor at Peking University, School of Arts since 2007. He firmly believes in teaching beyond the professional field of music and advocates cross faculty learning. His area of research includes

the history of music, musical aesthetics, anthropology of music, film music, music hearing and performance techniques etc. He has also been involved in lecturing and sharing overseas, as well as in the organization of various activities related to music.

Some of his works include Chinese Characteristics in Western Music in the 20th Century (Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press, Shanghai, 2007), The Study on John Cage's Music Aesthetics (Central Conservatory of Music Press, 2011), Enjoying the Music of L. V. Beethoven (Anhui Wenyi Publishing House, 2011) etc, and the courses offered by him include The Study on Culture and Music in Cross Discipline Issues, The Study on Film Music, The History of Music Instruments, The Source Reading on Musicology, The Study onFilm Music in Masterpieces, The Enjoyment of Music, Western Music in the 20th Century, The Study on Traditional Chinese Music (English), Piano Training Minor, etc.

Dr. BI was awarded the Chinese Outstanding Post Doctorate, Peking University Outstanding Teaching Award, Peking University Most Outstanding Class Tutor Award, and came in first for both the Peking University Young Teachers' Education Skills Display Competition and Peking Young Teachers' Education Skills Competition. Currently, he is working on textbooks and research works like 20th Century Western Music, Film Music, Chinese Traditional Music (English) etc.

Dr. BI became voluntary director at the Peking University Chinese Music Institute (previously known as the Society for Di and Xiao) in spring of 2009, and has been their teacher mentor and conductor since then. In helping the institute with its campus services in academic, public-welfare and musicianship development activities, Dr. BI has successively participated inconcerts including Vibrating of the Heartstring, Sounds of the Southwest, Exultation: the Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Society of Di and Xiao, Radiant with Happiness and Joy, Music and Joy in Chemistry in celebration of the international year of chemistry 2011, The Night of Beijing Forum 2011, Confluence of Times and Spaces: Joint Concert of PKUCMI and NTUCO, The Sound of PKUCMI in Reid Concert Hall and The Sound of China in Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2012, the routine campus activities of PKUCMI has been granted as a selective course in Peking University named as “Theory and Practice of Chinese Music”. Meanwhile, the institute was also awarded the Innovation Award, the highest award in Peking University for students’ campus activities.

Info: Musicologist
Type: Person Male
Period: .. - ..
Occupation :Musicologist


Update Time:2019-05-23 00:21 / 5 years, 10 months ago.