
Doming Ngok-pui Lam (Chinese: 林樂培) is a composer born in Macau in 1926. He studied music in Toronto and Los Angeles.


Doming Ngok-pui Lam (Chinese: 林樂培) was born in Macau in 1926. He studied music in Toronto and Los Angeles. He travels extensively around the world for all sorts of international conferences, seminars, workshops, festivals and Rostrums, in order to maintain his sensitivity and knowledge in the music world.

During 1964-94, he served actively in Hong Kong as a composer, conductor, lecturer, journalist, protector of performing rights, promoter of music exchanges in both Asia and around the globe.

His objective in writing music is to create modern Chinese music by applying avantgarde technique on traditional roots. His thoughts have influenced many of his contemporaries and young composers. In the 1999 Culture Day, Lam was named one of the five Asian composing masters by the music circle in Tokyo. Lam is the first Macau born composer to be included in the prestigious Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Lam was named Honorary Member of the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) at its World Music Days in Hong Kong in 2007.

Info: Chinese composer
Index: 7.3
Type: Person Male
Period: 1926.8.5 - 2023.1.11
Age: aged 96
Area :China
Occupation :Composer
Periods :Modernist Music


Update Time:2023-01-13 14:36 / 2 years, 2 months ago.