
An-lun Huang (1949--) With many of awards and his more than 40 symphonic works, Chinese-Canadian composer An-lun Huang’s compositions have been widely performed and warmly received around the world.


An-lun Huang (1949--) With many of awards and his more than 40 symphonic works, Chinese-Canadian composer An-lun Huang’s compositions have been widely performed and warmly received around the world.  Lang Lang won the 1st prize of the International Tchaikovsky Youth Piano competition by playing his “Chinese Rhapsody #2” in 1995.  Many of his works have been chosen as the official-final pieces of the major music competitions, including the International Rubinstein Piano Competition, Israel.  His ballet “Dream of Dunhuang” has been selected as one of the “Master Pieces of the Chinese Compositions in 20th Century”.

Numerous of his CDs, LPs and scores have been published and released.  Not only had an adjudicator for various competitions, but also a conductor, his successful performances included the all-his’s-works-concerts in Russia, U.S.A. and China.

Recently the composer-in-residence of the Shenzhen Symphony orchestra, China, and the winner of the New Pioneer Arts Award of Canada(2004), An-lun Huang began his piano lessons at the age of 5, and completed his 1st piano album at 7.  He graduated from the attached Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music, China, in late sixties of the last century. As the composer-in-residence of the Central Opera House of China, he became a member of the China Musician’s Association in 1979.  Huang came to the North America to continue his music education in 1980.  He then received the FTCL in 1983 and the MM of Yale with the Alumni’s prize in 1986 the same year moved to Toronto. Huang was the former president of the Canadian-Chinese Music Society of Ontario till 1996.  He has also been invited as the guest professor of several Universities in China recently.

“His accomplishments rivals Masters in the West” and “ reflect the great country of China”--- with such many of the comments internationally, An-lun Huang’s compositions have been widely performed and warmly received globally. Lang Lang won the 1st prize of the International Tchaikovsky youth Piano Competition by playing his “Chinese Rhapsody #2” in 1995. Along with his more that 40 symphonic compositions, his Chinese-Wagnerian opera “YueFei” has been admired “Fully deserve as the master work of the modern Chinese Operas”. Many of his works have been chosen as the official-final pieces of many music competitions, including the International Rubinstein Piano Competition, Israel. His ballet “Dream of Dunhuang” has been selected as one of the “Master Pieces of the Chinese Compositions in 20th Century”. Numerous of his CDs, LPs and scores have been published and released. More than 20 of his works have been chosen as the collections of “National Musical 100 Years”, the China’s official music publishing project.

The winners of the China National Arts Funds (Twice), the New Pioneer Arts Award of Canada(2004) and as the composer-in-residence of the Shenzhen Symphony orchestra, China, An-lun Huang graduated from the attached Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music, China, in late sixties of the last century. As the composer-in-residence of the Central Opera House of China, he became a member of the China Musician’s Association in 1979. He then received the MM of Yale with the Alumni’s prize in 1986. With many of awards, he has also been invited as the guest professor of several Universities and Tianjin Conservatory of Music in China recently.

Info: Chinese-Canadian composer
Index: 7.6
Type: Person Male
Period: 1949.3.15 - ..
Age: 76 years
Area :China
Occupation :Composer
Periods :Modernist Music


Update Time:2021-09-19 12:24 / 3 years, 5 months ago.