
Melvyn Tan (Chinese: 陈万荣; born 13 October 1956) is a Singapore-born British classical pianist, noted for his study of historical performance practice.


Melvyn Tan (Chinese: 陈万荣; born 13 October 1956) is a Singapore-born British classical pianist, noted for his study of historical performance practice.

From a young age, he went to England to study, first at the Yehudi Menuhin School when he was twelve years old, later enrolling at the Royal College of Music.

Upon returning to Singapore in 2005, he was fined for not having done National Service in Singapore, although he was studying in London during the time he was required to serve, he had already started a busy concert career, and he had already acquired British citizenship.

During his development as a pianist, Tan developed a passion for the fortepiano, which he has promoted throughout his career, and thereby changed other musicians' perceptions of this instrument. He has now returned mainly to the pianoforte and performs a wide-ranging repertoire from Bach to Messiaen.

He has lived in London since 1978, and continues to give concerts worldwide. In 2007, he performed at the Royal Academy of Arts for Jasper Conran's London Fashion Week collection.

Info: Pianist
Type: Person Male
Period: 1956.10.13 - ..
Age: 68 years
Occupation :Pianist


Update Time:2020-03-20 23:16 / 5 years ago.