
Founded in 1952, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra is the first big-scale modernChinese orchestra in China.


Founded in 1952, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra is the first big-scale modernChinese orchestra in China. SHCO is famous for its harmonious cooperation amongthe members of orchestra and its excellent mastering of all kinds of works. TheOrchestra plays an important role in the development of Chinese music.

Located in Shanghai, SHCO has gained a profound progress and development.The Orchestra has a group of famous musicians. Its performance format andrepertoire include big-scale Chinese orchestral works as well as the mid-scaleand small-scale traditional characteristic ones, such as stringed and windinstrumental pieces, Cantonese music, plucked-strings instrumental ensemble,percussion instrumental ensembles and so on. SHCO is also actively engaged incomposition, which contributed to a rich repertoire of the orchestra. Amongthose compositions, many have been awarded in Shanghai Spring InternationalMusic Festival and Shanghai International Art Festival, and are also widelyaccepted both in China and abroad.

SHCO has performed in more than 80 cities in China and also toured to morethan 30 countries and regions in the world. Besides, the Orchestra oftenperforms for the presidents and chairmen of other countries when they visitChina. In 2001 and 2003, SHCO has successfully performed two Chinese New Yearconcerts, i.e. The Year of Snake New Year Concert and The Year of Goat New YearConcert in the Musikverein in Vienna, which was a big hit in Europe.

In addition, SCO is frequently invited to perform in major activities athome and abroad, such as the 2006 Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, theASEAN Summit, the 2007special Olympic Games, the 2008 and 2010 ShanghaiNational Day Concert, the 2010 Shanghai EXPO Week, etc. SCO also often givesperformance to the heads of foreign state and government held performances andwas hailed as "the most beautiful Chinese Orchestra".

Info: Founded in 1952
Type: Orchestra Female
Period: 1952.. - ..
Area :Shanghai
Marking :Chinese Orchestra


Update Time:2017-03-12 00:18 / 8 years ago.