
Zhao Yinyin, a name familiar to piano enthusiasts, is praised by eminent musician Sir Yehudi Menuhin as "a talented pianist, an extraordinary musician, and true artist".


Zhao Yinyin, a name familiar to piano enthusiasts, is praised by eminent musician Sir Yehudi Menuhin as "a talented pianist, an extraordinary musician, and true artist".

Zhao believes a pianist's job is to help audiences better understand classical music. In his eyes, this job can be done creatively here in China by integrating other forms of traditional art such as dance and opera into his piano performance. Zhang Cheng takes a look at this talented Chinese Australian pianist and his interdisciplinary arts.

Info: Pianist
Type: Person Male
Period: 1972.6.7 - ..
Age: 52 years
Occupation :Pianist


Update Time:2018-06-07 16:34 / 6 years, 9 months ago.