
Christian music is music that has been written to express either personal or a communal belief regarding Christian life and faith. Common themes of Christian music include praise, worship, penitence, and lament.

Label list

Christmas carol 圣诞颂歌
Worship music 敬拜音乐
Gospel music 福音音乐
Mass 弥撒曲
Passion 受难曲
Oratorio 清唱剧
Chorale 众赞歌
Hymn 赞美诗(圣诗)
Gregorian chant 格里高利圣咏
Gounod: Ave Maria 古诺 - 圣母颂
Berlioz: The Te Deum, Op. 22, H.118 柏辽兹 - 感恩赞 Op.22
