A composition school is a group of composers or a style of composition purportedly shared by a group of composers, often from the same area or who studied in the same place.
Label list
Franco-Flemish School 佛莱芒乐派 | |
Impressionism 印象派 | |
First Viennese School 维也纳古典乐派 | |
Burgundian school 勃艮第乐派 | |
Notre Dame school 圣母院乐派 | |
Venetian School 威尼斯乐派 | |
Roman School 罗马乐派 | |
Neapolitan School 那不勒斯乐派 | |
Berlin School 柏林乐派 | |
Mannheim school 曼海姆乐派 | |
Second New England School 第二新英格兰乐派 | |
Boston Six 波士顿六人团 | |
Experimental music 实验音乐 | |
Second Viennese School 第二维也纳乐派 | |
Futurism 未来主义 | |
Minimal music 简约主义 | |
Spectral music 频谱音乐 |