"Auferstanden aus Ruinen" (Germanfor "Risen from Ruins") is a patriotic German song that was the national anthem of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), commonly known as East Germany, during its existence from 1949 to 1990.
In 1949, the Soviet occupation zoneof Allied-occupied Germanybecame a socialist statecalled the German Democratic Republic(GDR). For its anthem, the poetJohannes R. Becher, who later became Minister of Culture, wrote the lyrics. Two musicians proposed music to Becher's lyrics, and the version of Hanns Eislerwas selected.
Written in 1949, the East German national anthem reflects the early stages of German separation, in which continuing progress towards reunification of the occupation zones was seen by most Germans as appropriate and natural. Consequently, Becher's lyrics develop several connotations of "unity" and combine them with "fatherland" (einig Vaterland), meaning Germany as a whole. However, this concept soon would not conform to an increasingly icy Cold Warcontext, especially after the Berlin Wallhad been erected in 1961 by the East German government.
In 1973, East and West Germanywere admitted to the United Nationssimultaneously, following talks between the two governments that conferred a degree of mutual recognition. The term Germanywas later removed from the GDR constitution, and only the anthem's tune was played on official occasions.No new lyrics were ever written to replace Becher's which continued to be used unofficially, especially after die Wendein late 1989: once it became clear that the countries were moving towards Reunification, GDR television Deutscher Fernsehfunkreinstated the work and signed off every night with a joyous symphonic rendition of the vocal arrangement, accompanying picturesque footage of East Germany's main tourist attractions.
"Auferstanden aus Ruinen" ceased to be a national anthem when the German Democratic Republic dissolved and its states joined the Federal Republic of Germany in the German reunificationin 1990. "Deutschlandlied", composed in 1841, became the anthem of a united Germany again. East German Prime MinisterLothar de Maizièrehad proposed that Becher's lyrics be added to the united German national anthem, but this was rejected by his West German counterpart, chancellorHelmut Kohl.
At the end of its last broadcast on 2 October 1990, the East German international radio broadcaster Radio Berlin Internationalsigned off with the vocal version of the anthem.
德语 | 译文 |
第一段 | |
Auferstanden aus Ruinen |
扫清废墟,重建家园; |
第二段 | |
Glück und Friede sei beschieden |
幸福前程,和平生活, |
第三段 | |
Laßt uns pflügen, laßt uns bauen, |
我们耕种,我们建筑, |