The tone of Beethoven's In Questa Tomba Oscura, WoO133, a setting of an Italian text by Carpani, is set by the piano's grave, steady accompaniment and the uncomplicated vocal lines. For most of the song, an atmosphere of meditation and resignation predominates; moments of dramatic bitterness and anger, however, create a sense of ambiguity.
"In this dark tomb, let me repose. While I loved, ingrate, you should have thought of me." The vocal line moves upward on "Let my bare shadow enjoy its peace at least " and deepens with bitterness on the words, "And do not, do not bathe my ashes with futile poison!" Calmness settles in; after a repetition of the first two lines, the voice drops dramatically, twice repeating "Ingrate."

Opus/Catalogue Number:WoO 133
Duration: 0:02:00 ( Average )
Genre :Vocal Music