概况 Overview

巴赫键盘变奏曲和其他片断 BWV988–994,包括著名的哥德堡变奏曲。

简介 Introduction

巴赫键盘变奏曲和其他片断 Variations and miscellaneous pieces for keyboard (988–994)

  • BWV 988 – 哥德堡变奏曲 Goldberg Variations (published as Fourth Clavier-Übung)
  • BWV 989 – Aria variata alla maniera italiana, in A minor
  • BWV 990 – Sarabande con Partite in C major (loosely adapted from the overture for "Bellérophon" (1679) by Jean-Baptiste Lully)
  • BWV 991 – Air with variations in C minor (unfinished, from the 1722 Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach)
  • BWV 992 – 降B大调随想曲 Capriccio sopra la lontananza del suo fratello dilettissimo ("Capriccio on the departure of the Beloved Brother"), in B-flat major
  • BWV 993 – Capriccio in E major
  • BWV 994 – Applicatio in C major (From the Clavier-Büchlein for Wilhelm Friedemann Bach)

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巴赫 - 键盘变奏曲和其他片断 BWV 988-994
作曲 :巴赫
编号 :BWV 988-994

热门音乐人 Artists

更新时间:2018-12-11 17:16