概况 Overview


简介 Introduction

从1910年代起,格什温就熟知勋伯格的音乐。他长期对现代音乐感兴趣,乐此不疲地学习包括“十二音”在内的新作曲技法。其中一位老师向他介绍勋伯格的创作理念与和声,特别是“半音模进法”(Stufenreichtum),即用尽可能多的半音音程变化以丰富和声。格什温后来把这种技法运用于《蓝色狂想曲》《F大调钢琴协奏曲》《波吉与贝丝》,以及歌曲“Do It Again”和“Nice Work If You Can Get It”。

歌词 Lyrics

Composer: George Gershwin
Lyricist: Buddy DeSylva

Tell me, tell me, what did you do to me?
I just got a thrill that was new to me,
when your two lips were pressed to mine.

When you held me, I wasn't snuggling.
You should know I really was struggling.
I´ve only met you, and I shouldn't let you, but...

Oh, do it again.
I may say, "no, no, no, no, no,"
But do it again.

My lips just ache
to have you take
the kiss that's waiting for you.
You know if you do,
you won't regret it.
Come and get it.

Oh, no one is near.
I may cry, "oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"
But no one will hear.

My mom will scold me
'cause she told me
that it's naughty, but then...
Oh, do it again!
Please do it again!

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作曲 :格什温 1922
时长 :0:02:20( 平均 )
链接 :维基 / IMSLP乐谱

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更新时间:2019-05-16 21:20