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2009-03-05 14:08 新芭音乐网




    1989年应邀赴美国布法罗纽约州立大学任音乐访问学者。1990年攻读音乐硕士学位,主修钢琴伴奏,室内乐,歌剧声乐艺术指导专业,师从美国著名钢琴演奏家Stephen Manes 教授。1992年以全A的优异成绩毕业,并获得音乐硕士学位。在布法罗的5年期间,担任布法罗歌剧院艺术指导与世界著名指挥家、歌唱家合作排演了20余部歌剧,赢得歌剧界权威人士的高度赞扬,被誉为“无名英雄”,“学者型钢琴演奏家”。1994年赴奥地利萨尔茨堡莫扎特音乐学院研修德国艺术歌曲的钢琴伴奏艺术并在欧洲巡回演出。

    1995年考入美国波士顿大学音乐学院,获院长奖学金入该校攻读音乐艺术博士学位,主修歌剧声乐艺术指导专业,师从德裔美籍钢琴家,著名歌剧声乐艺术指导Thomas Stumpf 教授。1999年以优异成绩完成音乐艺术博士学位课程并开始在波士顿大学歌剧学院任教。1996年以来,共录制了《黄河船夫曲》、《爱之梦》、《松花江上》等6张CD,由台湾韵顺唱片股份有限公司独家发行,获台湾《古典音乐》杂志的高度评价。2004年3月参加百慕大音乐节与百慕大交响乐团合作独奏钢琴协奏曲《黄河》受到热烈欢迎。

    在歌剧声乐艺术指导(Opera/Vocal coaching)专业领域,吴龙博士是第一位归国服务的专业人士,特别是自2004年9月到中央音乐学院工作以来,成功地负责排演了四部经典歌剧,成绩斐然,受到各界广泛关注和好评。20多年来,吴龙博士与中外上百位杰出歌唱家合作演出,音乐足迹遍布世界20多个国家和地区,包括南非、佛得角、法国、瑞士、德国、意大利、奥地利、丹麦、冰岛、芬兰、爱莎尼亚、拉脱维亚、俄罗斯、台湾、百慕大、香港、美国、加拿大、日本、韩国、朝鲜、新加坡等。



    2009年,吴龙应邀参加新加坡第七届华艺节,在新加坡滨海艺术中心闻名于世的音乐厅Esplanade Concert Hall与世界著名男高音歌唱家范竞马合作举办了“范竞马独唱音乐会”,广受赞誉。




Long Wu is the most sought -after opera vocal coach accompanist in China today. He was born in Shanghai in 1959 into an intellectual family.,He began piano studies at the age on five, was a child prodigy with perfect pitch and made his piano solo debut playing all Chopin Etudes and Preludes when he was fourteen years old. He went to Beijing in 1979 studied with Prof.Pan Yi-Ming and Prof.Zhao Ping-Guo at the Central Conservatory of Music.During his nine years tenure in the 1980’s as the accompanist for the Chinese Army Chorus, he performed and collaborated with the most celebrated Chinese Singers very extensively throughout China and  with critical acclaims.

In 1989, Long Wu went to the US as the exchange visiting scholar at the Opera Department of State University of New York at Buffalo.In 1990 he was a Presidential Scholarship recipient and enrolled in the graduate music program at SUNY at Buffalo majoring vocal coaching and chamber music.with Prof.Stephen Manes. For five production seasons, he also served as the resident coach accompanist for the Greater Buffalo Opera Company having prepared over twenty operas with world renowned singers and conductors,His outstanding musicianship and performances won high praises from such operatic luminaries as Licia Albanese, Maureen Forrester, Anna Moffo, Christopher Magatsoris and David Effron., and was hailed as “The Unsung Hero”. In 1992, he graduated Pi KappaLamba (National Music Honor Society) and received a MM degree from SUNY/Buffalo. In 1994, Long Wu was awarded a fellowship to study German Art Song accompanying in Salzburg, Austria, coached with Prof.George Kern at the famous Mozarteum.

In 1995, Long Wu began his studies for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree program at Boston University School of Music with Prof.Thomas Stumpf after he received the “Aaron Richmond Fellowship.In 1999 he successfully completed all the required courses for the DMA degree and served on the coaching faculty at Boston University Opera Institute. In 2003, he played the “Yellow River Piano Concerto” with Bermuda Philharmonic with standing ovation from the audience.

In 2004, Dr.Wu  was appointed  Professor of Music a at the Voice and Opera Department at Central Conservatory of Music,as principal coach and music director he has directed  four major operatic productions for the CCOM: Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito, Verdi’s La Traviata ,The Magic Flute ,Madam Butterfly with rave reviews.

For the past twenty five years, Dr.Long Wu has performed in four continents and over twenty countries such as South Africa ,France,Switzerland , Germany, Italy, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Taiwan,Bermuda, Hong Kong, United States, Canada, Iceland, Finland, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and North Korea,etc.Since 1996, Dr.Wu has released seven CDs with labels as US Avatar Records, China Records Corp.and US New England Art Development Corp.He has also been the music director and chief accompanist for the biannual Mondial Chinese Vocalist Concours in Taipei since 1999.


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