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吴碧霞 Wu Bixia 花腔女高音

2009-03-17 15:39 新芭音乐网





吴碧霞自2000年起已在国内外举行了近30余场个人独唱音乐会, 出版了11张个人演唱专辑,并两次获得第四届、第六届中国金唱片奖、中国金碟奖、中国轻音乐学会最佳美声专辑奖及最佳民歌专辑奖。吴碧霞撰写的声乐论文《试论“鱼”与“熊掌”能否“得兼” —论中外作品演唱的歌唱观念和思维方法》也由人民音乐出版社出版并在音乐界引起强烈的反响。

吴碧霞经常参加中国内地、台湾、香港等地区及美洲、欧洲、东南亚等国家的重大演出交流活动。并与国内、国际的艺术家们共同参与了众多的国际性演出活动,如受国际声乐组委会和西班牙国家广播电视台邀请赴马德里参加了Gala Lirica音乐节、新加坡华人艺术节、德国慕尼黑歌剧双年节、2007年中国国家大剧院首场开幕庆典音乐会等。吴碧霞于2001年起出演了多部传统歌剧、清唱剧及现代歌剧,如:应西班牙ARRIAGA歌剧院的邀请成功出演了威尔弟的歌剧《弄臣》中的女主角吉尔达,赴新加坡出演《马可波罗与布鲁汗公主》,赴法国出演《蝶恋花》,北京国际音乐节出演《狂人日记》、《夜宴》,赴德国出演《试妻》、《一个法国女人的梦》等,还多次与中国、美国、法国、德国、西班牙、波兰、俄罗斯、韩国、新加坡、香港、台湾等数十家国际国内的职业乐团合作演出。2003年至2006年进行亚洲地区个人独唱音乐会巡回演出,每次演出均获得极大的成功。吴碧霞也是将两种完全不同风格的声乐艺术演唱方式在同一台音乐会上展现给观众的歌唱家。

吴碧霞近年来在国内外成功的演出,在国际上获得很高的声誉并受到了音乐界和国际社会、国内国际众多媒体的特别关注和极高评价。中国中央电视台多次为其录制个人专题,西班牙报界称她的演唱为“天上传来的声音”,俄罗斯媒体称她为“来自东方的声乐天使”, 美国媒体称她的演唱为“让世界惊叹的声音”,新加坡联合早报、法国竞赛周刊等多家媒体也对吴碧霞进行了专题报道。

Wu Bixia

Wu Bixia, Lyric coloratura soprano, was born in Hunan Province. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees and vocal music education from China Conservatory. Now she is a faculty of the Voice Department in China Conservatory, a member of the China Musician’s Association and a deputy of the National People's Congress, highest legislative body in the People's Republic of China as well.

Wu Bixia is Well-versed in both chinese and western repertoires of vocal music, she is the first vocalist in China to sing in both the Chinese traditional school and the western bel canto school and to have won international awards of the highest standing.  She sings with limpid, pure, sweet tones, showing an excellent mastery of delivery and impressing her audience with her expressiveness and poignancy.  She moves easily between the two genres, a feat which has won her the accolade as the nightingale that melds the East and the West.

Wu has won many prizes, including a Class One Award for Traditional Vocal Techniques at the First All China Vocal Competition organized by the Ministry of Culture in 1996, a Gold Award at the International Youth Arts Festival, the First Prize as well as Best Performance Award (Chinese Music Category) at the First China International Vocal Competition, another First Prize at the 8th Bilbao International Vocal Competition in Spain, and a Second Prize and a Special Award for Best Soprano at the 4th Stanisław Moniuszki International Vocal Competition.  In 2002, she came second in the XII International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow , one of the major music events of the world.  Back home in China, she was named one of the ‘Outstanding Artists Excelling in Both Art and Integrity’ in China, and was presented with the Five ‘One’ Award by the Central Publicity Department of China.  

Wu often attends international cultural exchanges, performs with other artists and major orchestras, and has appeared in operas and sung in cantatas in Europe and Asia. As the first vocalist to be able to present the two vocal genres at a concert, Wu has performed to wide critical acclaim. To date, she has given more than thirty solo recitals around the world. Her discography covers eleven solo albums, some of which have won the 4th China Golden Disc Award, the China Gold Record Award, among many others.  Her thesis on the possibility of melding the vocal music styles of chinese and western music has received a lot of attention in the music world.

Wu’s successful performances in recent years have won her media attention and critical acclaim at home and abroad.  She is featured many times on CCTV, and was described by the Spanish press as ‘the sound from heaven’, by the Russian media as the ‘vocal angel from the East’, and by the US media as ‘a voice that makes the world sit up and listen’. Other media coverage includes full features in the Singapore Zaobao and Paris Match.   


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