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2010-05-14 21:18 新芭音乐网


立足于上海这个著名的国际大都市,上海民族乐团本身也不断得到发展推进。乐团荟萃了一批声誉卓著的演奏家,亦经常上演气势宏大的民族管弦乐曲以及江南丝 竹、广东音乐、弹拨乐合奏、鼓乐合奏等富有特色的中小型节目,深受广大听众的喜爱。同时,乐团也大力推动民族音乐创作,并积累了丰富的曲目,其中许多作品 曾在 “上海之春”、“上海艺术节”中获奖,并在海内外广泛得到流传。

乐团艺术家们的足迹遍及全国和世界几十个国家和地区,所到之处皆得到非常良好的评价和赞誉,2001年与2003年,乐团两次登上维也纳金色大厅,举办 “中国蛇年春节音乐会”和“中国羊年春节音乐会”,获得了很大的成功。除此之外,乐团还经常受邀为国内外重大的活动演出,如2006年上海合作组织峰会、 东盟峰会、2007年特殊林匹克运动会等;乐团也经常为来访的外国元首、政府首脑举行演出,被赞誉为“最优美的中国乐团”。


Shanghai Chinese Orchestra

Founded in 1952, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra is the first big-scale modern Chinese orchestra in China. SHCO is famous for its harmonious cooperation among the members of orchestra and its excellent mastering of all kinds of works. The Orchestra plays an important role in the development of Chinese music.

Located in Shanghai, SHCO has gained a profound progress and development. The Orchestra has a group of famous musicians. Its performance format and repertoire include big-scale Chinese orchestral works as well as the mid-scale and small-scale traditional characteristic ones, such as stringed and wind instrumental pieces, Cantonese music, plucked-strings instrumental ensemble, percussion instrumental ensembles and so on. SHCO is also actively engaged in composition, which contributed to a rich repertoire of the orchestra. Among those compositions, many have been awarded in Shanghai Spring International Music Festival and Shanghai International Art Festival, and are also widely accepted both in China and abroad.

SHCO has performed in more than 80 cities in China and also toured to more than 30 countries and regions in the world. Besides, the Orchestra often performs for the presidents and chairmen of other countries when they visit China. In 2001 and 2003, SHCO has successfully performed two Chinese New Year concerts, i.e. The Year of Snake New Year Concert and The Year of Goat New Year Concert in the Musikverein in Vienna, which was a big hit in Europe.


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