提要 Overview

徐春雨简历,中央歌剧院青年女高音歌唱家。曾主演《弄臣》(Rigoletto)中的吉尔达(Gilda),《江姐》中的江姐,《八女投江》中的冷云 。

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中央歌剧院 China National Opera House 隶属于文化部

2009-10-15 19:58 新芭音乐网



     中央歌剧院青年女高音歌唱家。曾主演《弄臣》(Rigoletto)中的吉尔达(Gilda),《江姐》中的江姐,《八女投江》中的冷云 。留学意大利罗马圣•切契里亚(Santa Cecilia)国立音乐学院,期间曾获意大利第五届皮奥比诺(Piombino)声乐比赛第一名﹑第十六届贾科莫•劳乌利•沃尔比(Giacomo Lauri Volpi )国际声乐比赛第三名。参加世界著名女高音歌唱家弗莱尼(Mirella Freni)大师班以优异的成绩被大师推荐于意大利普契尼歌剧节。签约意大利五十三届普契尼歌剧节(Festival Pucciniano)饰演《波希米亚人》(La Boheme)中的穆塞塔(Musetta) 。曾在意大利罗马(Roma)﹑皮奥比诺(Piombino)﹑卢卡(Lucca)﹑比萨(Pisa)等地多次举办个人独唱音乐会。2008 年5月在北京音乐厅成功举办“润•春雨独唱音乐会” 。


Chunyu Xu

As one of the leading sopranos in Central Opera House and one of most promising singers in China, Chunyu Xu has performed principle roles in variety of operas. She played not only roles in classic opera such as Gilda in Rigoletto, but also in operas written in Chinese like Jiangjie in opera Jiangjie, and Ms. Lengyun in Eight Heroine

During the period studying at St. Cecilia Conservatory in Rome Italy, Ms. Xu participated a series of international music competitions and accomplished a great deal. She won the First Prize in Fifth Piombino Vocal Competition in 2004 and the third place in the Sixteenth Giacomo Lauri Volpi International Vocal Competition in 2006. She also, in the same year, received an opportunity to further refine her singing technique in the master classes given by world-renowned soprano Mirella Freni. With outstanding achievements at the conclusion of the program, she was recommended by Freni personally to the Fifty-three Italy Puccini Opera Festival (Festival Pucciniano), and contracted for the role of Musetta in La Boheme with the Festival. Her accomplishments also include her solo recital series in Rome, Piombino, Lucca, Pisa, etc. as well. In May 2008, she successfully held her home-coming solo recital in the theme of “Moist in the Spring” in Beijing Concert Hall.


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