提要 Overview




Masses composed by Joseph Haydn are listed below. Masses are sorted using chronological indices given by New Grove. The Hoboken catalogue had also placed the masses in presumed chronological order, but further research has undermined that sequence.



  • No. 1 in G major: 'Missa Rorate coeli desuper' (H. 22/3) (c.1750).
  • No. 2 in F major: 'Missa brevis' (H. 22/1) (1750)
  • No. 3 in C major: 'Missa Cellensis in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae', also spuriously known as 'Cäcilienmesse' (St Cecilia) (H. 22/5) (1766–73)
  • No. 4 in D minor: 'Missa Sunt bona mixta malis' (H. 22/2) (1768; Fragment)
  • No. 5 in E flat major: 'Missa in honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae', also known as the 'Große Orgelmesse' ('Great Organ Mass') (H. 22/4) (1770)
  • No. 6 in G major: 'Missa Sancti Nicolai, Nicolaimesse' (H. 22/6) (1772)
  • No. 7 in B flat major: 'Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo', also known as the 'Kleine Orgelmesse' ('Little Organ Mass') (H. 22/7) (c.1775)
  • No. 8 in C major: 'Missa Cellensis, Mariazellermesse' (H. 22/8) (1782)

Masses nos. 9–14 form a group: each was composed by Haydn for the Esterházy family, to celebrate the name day (12 September) of Princess Maria Hermenegild, the wife of Prince Nikolaus II and a friend of the composer. The composition of these masses was Haydn's principal duty to his old employers at this time of his career.

The Heiligmesse in B-flat major, composed for the Capuchin friar Bernard of Offida, is thought to have been performed at the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary on September 11, 1796.[clarification needed That feast is on 12 September] Then there was the Paukenmesse in C major which was first performed on December 26, 1797. Thirdly, the Missa in Angustiis in D minor was performed on September 23, 1798. Fourthly, the Theresienmesse in B-flat major is from 1799, and was written for Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily. Fifth, the Schöpfungsmesse in B-flat major was performed on September 13, 1801, and features melodies from the Creation, especially in the "Gloria". Sixth, the Harmoniemesse in B-flat major was performed on September 8, 1802, and is almost his last major work.

  • No. 9 in B flat major: 'Missa sancti Bernardi von Offida', also known as the 'Heiligmesse' (H. 22/10) (1796)
  • No. 10 in C major: 'Missa in tempore belli' ('Mass In Time of War'), also known as the 'Paukenmesse' ('Kettledrum Mass') (H. 22/9) (1796)
  • No. 11 in D minor: 'Missa in Angustiis' ('Mass in Troubled Times'), also known as the 'Nelson Mass' (H. 22/11) (1798)
  • No. 12 in B flat major: 'Theresienmesse' (named for the Maria Theresa of the Two Sicilies) (H. 22/12) (1799)
  • No. 13 in B flat major: 'Schöpfungsmesse' ('Creation Mass') (H. 22/13) (1801)
  • No. 14 in B flat major: 'Harmoniemesse' ('Wind-band Mass') (H. 22/14) (1802).

The Harmoniemesse 1802 was Haydn's last major work. He shortly afterward sank into debilitating illness and was unable to compose further.

海顿表面上是一位虔诚的天主教徒,在他每件手稿的开头总是写上“以上帝之名”,结尾总是签上“荣耀归于上帝”。但他虔信上帝不过是随从习俗,宗教在 他的思想与情感中并未占有重要的地位。他的最早的声乐作品之一《F大调小弥撒曲》中,“求主怜悯”乐章的音乐主题却是快乐欣喜的,著名的《圣母悼歌》充满 了人情味;而《基督在十字架上的最后七句话》这部7个乐章的管弦乐曲(后来加入独唱与合唱),给人留下的最深印象是末乐章模拟地震的画面。这些都说明海顿 的作品是面向现实、面向人生的,即使在他的宗教音乐中也是这样。他喜好田野、森林、钓鱼和打猎,他对大自然的热爱不下于莫扎特和贝多芬。


所属: 海顿
更新时间:2016-11-26 22:55