Germany is a federal parliamentary republic in western-central Europe. It includes 16 constituent states with a largely temperate seasonal climate.
Label list
Ludwig van Beethoven 贝多芬 | great musical master |
Johann Sebastian Bach 巴赫 | composer of the Baroque era |
Johannes Brahms 勃拉姆斯 | German composer |
Felix Mendelssohn 门德尔松 | German composer, pianist |
Johann Pachelbel 帕赫贝尔 | German composer and organist |
Robert Schumann 舒曼 | German classical composer |
Richard Wagner 瓦格纳 | German composer |
Max Bruch 布鲁赫 | German romantic composer |
Carl Maria von Weber 韦伯 | German composer |
Johann Christian Bach J. C. 巴赫 | composer of the Classical era |
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach C. P. E. 巴赫 | German Classical period composer |
Richard Strauss 理查·施特劳斯 | German composer |
Carl Orff 奥尔夫 | German composer |
Georg Philipp Telemann 泰勒曼 | German Baroque composer |
Kurt Masur 库特·马苏尔 | German conductor |
Wolfgang Sawallisch 沃尔夫冈·萨瓦利什 | German conductor and pianist |
Heinrich Schütz 许茨 | German composer and organist |
The Elbphilharmonie 汉堡易北爱乐厅 | in the Hamburg |
Wilhelm Furtwängler 富特文格勒 | German conductor and composer |
George Frideric Handel 亨德尔 | German-British baroque composer |
Albert Dietrich 迪特里希 | German composer |
Clara Schumann 克拉拉·舒曼 | German musician and composer |
Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra 莱比锡布商大厦管弦乐团 | in Leipzig German |
Paul Hindemith 欣德米特 | German composer |
Hildegard of Bingen 宾根的希尔德加德 | German composer |
Samuel Scheidt 沙伊特 | German composer |
Michael Praetorius 普雷托里乌斯 | German composer, organist |
Johann Hermann Schein 沙因 | German composer |
Johann Jakob Froberger 弗罗贝格尔 | German Baroque composer |
Sylvius Leopold Weiss 魏斯 | German composer |
Johann Adolph Hasse 哈塞 | German composer |
Christoph Willibald Gluck 格鲁克 | composer of Italian and French opera |
Johann Joachim Quantz 匡茨 | Baroque composer |
Carl Heinrich Graun 格劳恩 | German composer |
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach W. F. 巴赫 | German composer and performer |
Friedrich II 腓特烈二世 | King of Prussia, composer |
Johann Gottlieb Graun J. G. 格劳恩 | German composer |
Leopold Mozart 利奥波德·莫扎特 | German composer |
Carl Friedrich Abel 阿贝尔 | German composer |
Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach J. C. F. 巴赫 | German composer |
Carl Stamitz 卡尔·斯塔米茨 | German composer |
Anton Stamitz 安东·斯塔米茨 | German composer |
Franz Danzi 但齐 | German composer |
Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia 路易·斐迪南亲王 | Prussian prince |
E. T. A. Hoffmann E. T. A. 霍夫曼 | Prussian Romantic composer |
Ferdinand Ries 里斯 | German composer |
Louis Spohr 施波尔 | German composer |
Friedrich Kalkbrenner 卡尔克布雷纳 | German composer |
Giacomo Meyerbeer 梅耶贝尔 | German opera composer |
Heinrich Marschner 马施纳 | German opera composer |
Carl Loewe 勒韦 | German composer |
Albert Lortzing 洛尔青 | German composer |
Ferdinand Beyer 拜厄 | German composer and Pianist |
Fanny Mendelssohn 范妮·门德尔松 | German pianist and composer |
Friedrich Burgmüller 弗里德里希·布格缪勒 | German pianist and composer |
Norbert Burgmüller 诺伯特·布格缪勒 | German composer |
Otto Nicolai 尼古拉 | German composer |
Ferdinand Hiller 希勒 | German composer |
Friedrich von Flotow 弗洛托 | German composer |
Adolf von Henselt 亨泽尔特 | German composer |
Robert Volkmann 福尔克曼 | German composer |
Peter Cornelius 科内利乌斯 | German composer |
Carl Reinecke 赖内克 | German composer |
Woldemar Bargiel 巴吉尔 | German composer |
Salomon Jadassohn 雅达松 | German pianist, composer |
Felix Draeseke 德莱塞克 | German composer |
Hermann Goetz 格茨 | German composer |
Xaver Scharwenka 沙尔文卡 | German pianist, composer |
Engelbert Humperdinck 洪佩尔丁克 | German composer |
Moritz Moszkowski 莫什科夫斯基 | German-Jewish composer |
Johann Adam Hiller J. A. 希勒 | German composer |
Daniel Gottlob Türk 蒂尔克 | German composer |
Philipp Scharwenka 菲利普·沙尔文卡 | German composer |
Julius Klengel 克伦格尔 | German cellist and composer |
Ludwig Thuille 图伊勒 | Austrian composer |
Eugen d'Albert 达尔伯特 | German pianist and composer |
Karlheinz Stockhausen 施托克豪森 | German composer |
Paul Lincke 林克 | German composer |
Conradin Kreutzer 康拉丁·克鲁采 | German composer |
Franz Lachner 拉赫纳 | German composer |
Ignaz Lachner 伊格纳茨·拉赫纳 | German composer |
Vinzenz Lachner 文森茨·拉赫纳 | German composer |
Ferdinand David 费迪南·大卫 | German composer |
Emilie Mayer 艾米莉·马雅 | German composer |
Max von Schillings 席林斯 | German composer |
Hans Pfitzner 普菲茨纳 | German composer |
Siegfried Wagner 齐格弗里德·瓦格纳 | German composer and conductor |
Max Reger 雷格尔 | German composer |
Theodor Kirchner 特奥多尔·基希纳 | German composer |
Richard Wetz 韦茨 | German late Romantic composer |
Christoph von Dohnányi 克里斯托夫·冯·多赫南伊 | German conductor |
Sigfrid Karg-Elert 卡格-埃勒特 | German composer |
Carl Friedrich Zelter 策尔特 | German composer |
Friedrich Nietzsche 尼采 | German composer |
Hans von Bülow 彪罗 | German conductor, pianist, and composer |
Kurt Weill 魏尔 | German composer |
Boris Blacher 布拉黑尔 | German composer |
Werner Egk 埃克 | German composer |
Karl Amadeus Hartmann K. A. 哈特曼 | German composer |
Paul Dessau 德绍 | German composer and conductor |
Wilhelm Hieronymus Pachelbel W. H. 帕赫贝尔 | German composer and organist |
Arnold Mendelssohn 阿诺德·门德尔松 | German composer |
Eduard Franck 爱德华·弗兰克 | German composer |
Richard Franck 理查德·弗兰克 | German pianist, composer |
Stefan Wolpe 沃尔佩 | German-born composer |
Bernd Alois Zimmermann 齐默尔曼 | West German composer |
Hans Werner Henze 亨策 | German composer |
Christian Thielemann 克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼 | German conductor |
Helmut Lachenmann 拉亨曼 | German composer |
Wolfgang Rihm 里姆 | German composer |
Søren Nils Eichberg S. N. 艾希贝格 | German/Danish composer |
Günter Wand 君特·旺德 | German orchestra conductor and composer |
Johann Christoph Pepusch 佩普施 | German-born composer |
Jonas Kaufmann 乔纳斯·考夫曼 | German operatic tenor |
Bruno Walter 布鲁诺·瓦尔特 | German-born conductor and composer |
Otto Klemperer 克伦佩勒 | Jewish German-born conductor |
Kurt Moll 库尔特·摩尔 | German operatic bass singer |
Franz Tausch 陶施 | German clarinetist |
Herms Niel 赫尔姆斯·尼尔 | German composer |
Oliver Schneller 施内勒尔 | German composer and saxophonist |
Christoph Eschenbach 克里斯托弗·艾森巴赫 | German-born pianist and conductor |
Eugen Jochum 欧根·约胡姆 | German conductor |
Friedrich Schiller 席勒 | German poet, philosopher, physician, historian, an |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 歌德 | German writer and statesman |
Peter Ruzicka 鲁齐卡 | German composer and conductor |
Heinrich Heine 海涅 | German poet |
Rudolf Kempe 鲁道夫·肯佩 | German conductor |
Herbert Kegel 赫伯特·凯格尔 | German conductor |
Rita Streich 丽塔·施特赖希 | |
Karl Richter 卡尔·李希特 | German conductor |
Carl Schuricht 卡尔·舒里希特 | German conductor |
Klaus Tennstedt 克劳斯·滕施泰特 | German conductor |
Kurt Sanderling 库尔特·桑德林 | German conductor |
Auferstanden aus Ruinen 从废墟中崛起(德意志民主共和国国歌) | |
Hugo Becker 雨果·贝克尔 | German cellist and composer |
Christian Petzold 佩措尔德 | German composer and organist |
Deutschlandlied 德意志之歌(德国国歌) | |
Alice Sara Ott 爱丽丝·纱良·奥特 | German classical pianist |
Hermann Necke 奈克 | German composer |
Jörg Widmann 威德曼 | German composer, conductor and clarinetist |
Sabine Meyer 萨宾娜·梅耶 | German classical clarinetist |
Hans Knappertsbusch 克纳佩茨布什 | German conductor |
Andreas Scholl 安德烈亚斯·朔尔 | German countertenor |
Christian Cannabich 卡纳比希 | German composer |
Anne-Sophie Mutter 穆特 | Violinist |
Three Bs 三B | |
Dresden Philharmonic 德累斯顿爱乐乐团 | German symphony orchestra |
Wilhelm Kempff 威廉·肯普夫 | German pianist |
Gina Alice Redlinger 吉娜·爱丽丝·雷德林格尔 | German pianist |
Christoph Graupner 格劳普纳 | German harpsichordist and composer |
Helmut Walcha 赫尔穆特·瓦尔哈 | German organist |
Hans Zender 岑德 | German conductor and composer |
Johan Fredrik Grenser 约翰·弗雷德里克·格林瑟 | German composer |
Peter Schreier 彼得·施莱尔 | German tenor and conductor |
Theo Adam 特奥·亚当 | German operatic bass-baritone |
Bruno Weil 布鲁诺·维尔 | German conductor |
Leopold Weninger 莱奥波德·温宁格 | German composer |
Friedrich Wieck 弗里德里希·维克 | German piano teacher |
Aribert Reimann 赖曼 | German composer and pianist |
Dieter Schnebel 施内贝尔 | German composer |
Clara Jumi Kang 康珠美 | German violinist |
Frank Peter Zimmermann 弗兰克·彼得·齐默尔曼 | German violinist |
Wilhelm Backhaus 巴克豪斯 | German pianist and pedagogue |
Christa Ludwig 克丽斯塔·路德维希 | German dramatic mezzo-soprano |
Hellmut Stern 赫尔穆特·斯特恩 | German violinist |
Enjott Schneider 恩约特·施耐德 | German composer |
Bayreuth Festival 拜罗伊特音乐节 | in Bayreuth, Germany |
Cosima Wagner 科西玛·瓦格纳 | daughter of Franz Liszt |
Gundula Janowitz 昆杜拉·雅诺维茨 | German-born Austrian soprano |
Emil von Sauer 绍尔 | German composer, pianist |
Hans Fährmann 汉斯·费尔曼 | German organist and composer |
Hans Seeling 汉斯·西林 | German pianist and composer |
Hanns Wolf 汉斯·沃尔夫 | German composer and pianist |
Friedrich Hermann 弗里德里希·赫尔曼 | German composer and violinist |
James Simon 詹姆斯·西蒙 | German composer |
Franz Hofmann 弗朗兹·霍夫曼 | German composer |
Conrad Ansorge 安索尔格 | German composer and pianist |
Justin Heinrich Knecht 克内希特 | German composer |
Johann Gottlieb Naumann 瑙曼 | German composer |
Johann Ludwig Krebs 克雷布斯 | German composer and organist |
Hermann Bischoff 比绍夫 | German composer |
Heinrich Hofmann 海因里希·霍夫曼 | German composer |
Heinrich Scheidemann 沙伊德曼 | German composer |
Ernst Boehe 恩斯特·伯厄 | German composer |
Siegfried Matthus 马图斯 | German composer |
Rudolf Wagner-Régeny 瓦格纳-雷吉尼 | German composer |
Walter Braunfels 布劳恩费尔斯 | German composer |
Udo Zimmermann 乌多·齐默尔曼 | German composer |
Heinrich Schulz-Beuthen 舒尔茨-博伊滕 | German composer |
Hans Brehme 布雷默 | German composer |
Walter Niemann 瓦尔特·尼曼 | German composer |
Emil Bohnke 波恩克 | German composer and conductor |
Hugo Staehle 斯泰勒 | German composer |
Karl Marx 卡尔·马克思 | German composer |
Luise Adolpha Le Beau 勒·波 | German composer |
Karlrobert Kreiten 卡尔罗伯特·克赖滕 | German pianist |
Hugo Kaun 胡戈·考恩 | German composer |
Friedrich Kiel 基尔 | German composer and teacher |
Jan Vogler 扬·沃格勒 | German-born classical cellist |
Hugo Distler 迪斯特勒 | German organist and composer |
Eduard Künneke 库涅克 | German composer |
Maria Herz 玛丽亚·赫茨 | German composer |
ECHO Klassik 德国古典回声大奖 | Germany's major classical music award |
Ottmar Gerster 格斯特 | German composer |
Fritz Geissler 盖斯勒 | German composer |
